10 research outputs found


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    The paper presents the results of investigations concerning the possibilities of using programmable logic devices (FPGA) for building virtual multi-core processors dedicated to the chosen application. The paper shows the designed architecture of multi-core processor specialized for performing a particular task and discuss its computation efficiency depending on the number of cores being used. The evaluation of the results are also discussed

    Relation of intracerebral hemorrhage descriptors with clinical factors

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    The association between intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) shape and a poor treatment outcome has been established by few authors. We decided to analyze whether computationally assessed hemorrhage shape irregularity is associated with any known predictors of its poor treatment outcome. We retrospectively analyzed 48 patients with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage. For each patient we calculated Fractal Dimension, Compactness, Fourier Factor and Circle Factor. Our study showed that patients above 65 years old had significantly higher Compactness (0.70 ± 0.19 vs. 0.56 ± 0.20; p < 0.01), Fractal Dimension (0.46 ± 0.22 vs. 0.32 ± 0.20; p = 0.03) and Circle Factor (0.51 ± 0.25 vs. 0.35 ± 0.17; p < 0.01). Patients with hemorrhage growth had significantly higher Compactness (0.74 ± 0.23 vs. 0.58 ± 0.18; p < 0.01), Circle Factor (0.55 ± 0.27 vs. 0.37 ± 0.18; p < 0.01) and Fourier Factor (0.96 ± 0.06 vs. 0.84 ± 0.19; p = 0.03). In conclusion, irregularity resulting from the number of appendices can be a predictor of ICH growth; however, the size of those appendices is also important. Shape roughness better reflects the severity of brain tissue damage and a patient’s general condition

    Electrocardiography and prognosis of patients with acute pulmonary embolism

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    Background: To assess the influence of electrocardiographic (ECG) pattern on prognosis and complications of patients hospitalized with acute pulmonary embolism (APE). Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis of 292 patients who had confirmed APE. There were 183 females and 109 males, the age range was 17 to 89 years, and the mean age was 65.4 ± 15.5 years. Results: In our study group, there were 33 deaths (mortality rate, 11.3%), and 73 (25%) patients developed complications during hospitalization. Based on European Society of Cardiology risk stratification, we classified 75 (25.7%) patients as high risk, 163 (55.8%) patients as intermediate risk, and 54 (18.5%) patients as low risk. A comparison between patients with complicated APE and those with no complications during hospitalization indicated that the following ECG parameters were more common in patients who had complications: atrial fibrillation, S1Q3T3 sign, negative T waves in leads V2–V4, ST segment depression in leads V4–V6, ST segment elevation in leads III, V1 and aVR, qR in lead V1, complete right bundle branch block (RBBB), greater number of leads with negative T waves, and greater sum of the amplitude of negative T waves. In multivariate analysis, the sum of negative T waves (OR 0.88; p = 0.22), number of leads with negative T waves (OR 1.46; p = 0.001), RBBB (OR 2.87; p = 0.02) and ST segment elevation in leads V1 (OR 3.99; p = 0.00017) and aVR (OR 2.49; p = 0.011) were independent predictors of complications during hospitalization. In turn, in multivariate analysis, only the sum of negative T waves (OR 0.81; p = 0.0098), number of leads with negative T waves [OR 1.68; p = 0.00068] and ST segment elevation in lead V1 (OR 4.47; p = 0.0003) were independent predictors of death during hospitalization. Conclusions: In our population of APE patients, the sum of negative T waves, the number of leads with negative T waves and the ST segment elevation in lead V1 were independent predictors of death during hospitalization. In turn, the sum of negative T waves, the number of leads with negative T waves, and RBBB and ST segment elevation in leads V1 and aVR were independent predictors of complications during hospitalization. We conclude that ECG analysis may be a useful noninvasive method for risk stratification of patients with APE. (Cardiol J 2011; 18, 6: 648–653

    How often pulmonary embolism mimics acute coronary syndrome?

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    Background:The clinical picture of acute pulmonary embolism (APE) is often uncharacteristic and may mimic acute coronary syndrome (ACS) or lung diseases, leading to misdiagnosis. In 50% of patients, APE is accompanied by chest pain and in 30–50% of the patients markers of myocardial injury are elevated. Aim: To perform a retrospective assessment of how often clinical manifestations and investigations (ECG findings and elevated markers of myocardial injury) in patients with APE may be suggestive of ACS. Methods: We included 292 consecutive patients (109 men and 183 women) from 17 to 89 years of age (mean age 65.4 ± 15.5 years) with APE diagnosed according the ESC guidelines. Results: Among the 292 patients included in the study 33 patients died during hospitalisation (mortality rate 11.3%) and 73 (25.0%) patients developed complications. A total of 75 (25.7%) patients were classified as high risk according to the ESC risk stratification, 163 (55.8%) as intermediate risk and 54 (18.5%) as low risk. Chest pain on and/or before admission was reported by 128 (43.8%) patients, including 73 (57.0%) patients with chest pain of coronary origin, 52 (40.6%) patients with chest pain of pleural origin and 3 patients with pain of undeterminable origin based on the available documentation. A total of 56 (19.2%) patients had a history of ischaemic heart disease and 5 (1.7%) had a history of myocardial infarction. A total of 8 (2.7%) patients were admitted with the initial diagnosis of ACS. The high-risk group consisted of 15 (20.6%) patients with a typical retrosternal chest pain and 60 (27.3%) patients without the typical anginal pain. Elevated troponin was observed in 103 (35.3%) patients. The ECG changes suggestive of myocardial ischaemia (inverted T waves, ST-segment depression or elevation) were observed in 208 (71.2%) patients. The following findings were significantly more common in high-risk versus non-high-risk patients: ST-segment depression in V4-V6 (42.6% vs 23.9%, p = 0.02), ST-segment elevation in V1 (46.7% vs 20.0%, p = 0.0002) and aVR (70.7% vs 40.1%, p = 0.0007). Conclusions: One third of patients with APE may present with all the manifestations (pain, elevated troponin and ECG changes) suggestive of ACS. The ECG changes suggestive of myocardial ischaemia are observed in 70% of the patients with ST-segment depression in V4–V6 and ST-segment elevation in V1 and aVR being significantly more common in high-risk vs non-high-risk patients. Kardiol Pol 2011; 69, 3: 235-240Wst臋p: Obraz kliniczny ostrego zatoru t臋tnicy p艂ucnej (OZTP) jest cz臋sto niecharakterystyczny i mo偶e wyst臋powa膰 pod mask膮 ostrego zespo艂u wie艅cowego (OZW) czy chor贸b p艂uc, co prowadzi do pomy艂ek diagnostycznych. U 50% chorych OZTP przebiega z b贸lem w klatce piersiowej, a u 30–50% os贸b obserwuje si臋 podwy偶szenie marker贸w uszkodzenia miokardium. Cel: Celem pracy by艂o retrospektywne okre艣lenie, jak cz臋sto objawy kliniczne i badania dodatkowe (elektrokardiogram i podwy偶szone st臋偶enie marker贸w martwicy mi臋艣nia sercowego) u chorych z OZTP mog膮 sugerowa膰 rozpoznanie OZW. Metody: Do badania w艂膮czono 292 kolejnych chorych (183 kobiety, 109 m臋偶czyzn) w wieku 17-89 lat (艣redni wiek 65,4 ± 15,5 roku) z rozpoznaniem OZTP. Wyniki: W grupie 292 chorych w trakcie hospitalizacji wyst膮pi艂y 33 zgony (艣miertelno艣膰 11,3%), a u 73 (25%) pacjent贸w zaobserwowano powik艂ania. Do grupy wysokiego ryzyka wg stratyfikacji ryzyka ESC zaliczono 75 (25,7%) chorych, do grupy umiarkowanego ryzyka - 163 (55,8%) os贸b, a do grupy niskiego ryzyka - 54 (18,5%) pacjent贸w. B贸l w klatce piersiowej przy przyj臋ciu i/lub przed przyj臋ciem do szpitala podawa艂o 128 (43,8%) chorych, w tym u 73 (57,0%) os贸b b贸l mia艂 charakter wie艅cowy, u 52 (40,6%) - op艂ucnowy, u 3 - nieokre艣lony na podstawie dost臋pnej dokumentacji. W ca艂ej badanej grupie 56 (19,2%) os贸b mia艂o wywiad choroby niedokrwiennej serca, a 5 (1,7%) chorych przeby艂o zawa艂 serca. Ze wst臋pnym rozpoznaniem OZW przyj臋to 8 (2,7%) chorych. Do grupy wysokiego ryzyka nale偶a艂o 15 (20,6%) os贸b z typowym b贸lem zamostkowym oraz 60 (27,3%) pacjent贸w bez typowego b贸lu wie艅cowego. U 103 (35,3%) chorych stwierdzono podwy偶szone st臋偶enie troponiny. Zmiany elektrokardiograficzne sugeruj膮ce niedokrwienie mi臋艣nia sercowego (ujemne za艂amki T, obni偶enie odcinka ST lub uniesienie odcinka ST) zaobserwowano u 208 (71,2%) chorych. W grupie pacjent贸w wysokiego ryzyka znamiennie cz臋艣ciej stwierdzano: obni偶enie odcinka ST w odprowadzeniach V4-V6 (42,6% v. 23,9%; p = 0,02), uniesienie odcinka ST w odprowadzeniu V1 (46,7% v. 20%; p = 0,0002) i aVR (70,7% v. 40,1%; p = 0,0007) w por贸wnaniu z chorymi z grupy niewysokiego ryzyka. Wnioski: U 1/3 chorych z OZTP mog膮 wyst臋powa膰 wszystkie objawy (b贸l, podwy偶szone st臋偶enie troponiny i zmiany elektrokardiograficzne) sugeruj膮ce rozpoznanie OZW. Zmiany elektrokardiograficzne sugeruj膮ce niedokrwienie mi臋艣nia sercowego wyst臋puj膮 u 70% pacjent贸w. W grupie os贸b wysokiego ryzyka znamiennie cz臋艣ciej obserwowano obni偶enie odcinka ST w odprowadzeniach V4-V6 oraz uniesienie odcinka ST w odprowadzeniach V1 i aVR. Kardiol Pol 2011; 69, 3: 235-24

    Construction of Hardware Components for the Internet of Services

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    In this paper we focus on a hardware realization of web services (WS) and their integration within the service-oriented architecture (SOA). Previous approaches to the implementation of network-enabled services in hardware covered only very specific types of applications and were platform-dependent. Our contribution is a generic framework where heterogeneous everyday objects are enhanced with appropriate hardware extensions. This turns them into intelligent electronic devices that can sense the environment as well as interact with it, exposing their functionality via public WS interface. An integration scheme is introduced to allow the augmented objects to be used within highly distributed enterprise applications. Each web service is mapped to a functionally equivalent Open Services Gateway initiative (OSGi) service so that it can be dynamically added to the pool of elementary services accessible within the enterprise service bus (ESB). Our approach is exemplified by several web services for environment monitoring, mechanical control and visual inspection, all implemented in a reconfigurable hardware. A case study of integrating and using such services is also presented

    Artyku艂 oryginalnyMa艂y Ma艂opolski Rejestr Ostrego Zatoru T臋tnicy P艂ucnej – przebieg kliniczny

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    Background: Acute pulmonary embolism (APE) is a life-threatening disease. Mortality in APE still remains very high in spite of progress in diagnostic tools. Mortality rate is about 30% in patients with unrecognised APE. APE is one of the main causes of in-hospital mortality. Aim: To asses management of patients with APE in the Ma艂opolska region. Methods: This registry consists of 205 consecutive patients who were hospitalised in 6 cardiology departments between 1 January 2005 and 30 September 2007, with the mean age of 65.1 ± 15.3 years (124 females and 81 males). Mean hospitalisation duration 14.6 days (1-52 days). Results: During hospitalisation 23 (11.2%) patients died. Complications (death, cardiogenic shock, cardiac arrest, use of catecholamines, respiratory therapy and ventilation) during in-hospital stay were observed in 57 (27.8%) patients. Fifty-three patients were haemodynamically unstable (cardiogenic shock or hypotension). The troponin I or T level was assessed in 147 (71.7%) patients and in 50 (34.0%) was positive. In patients with positive troponin we observed 11 (22.0%) deaths, while in patients with normal troponin T or I level 6 (6.2%) deaths occurred. In patients with normal blood pressure we observed a significant difference in mortality in patients with elevated vs. normal troponin level (14.3 vs. 2.5%, p = 0.02). Thrombolytic therapy was used in 20 (9.8%) patients. In patients treated with thrombolytic therapy 9 (45%) deaths were observed. We divided patients according to the ESC 2008 guidelines risk stratification. The ‘non-high risk’ group consisted of 152 (74.1%) patients, and mortality was 3.9%. The ‘high-risk’ group consisted of 53 (26.8%) patients. The ‘non-high risk’ group was divided into the following subgroups: 1. moderate-high (with 2 risk factors: both RV dysfunction and positive injury markers) mortality – 8.1%; 2. moderate subgroup with one risk factor, mortality – 3.6%; 3. low risk – no risk factors – 0% mortality. Conclusions: 1. In our registry mortality rate in patients with APE was 11%. 2. In about 30% of patients APE was under mask of acute coronary syndrome or syncope, 34% of patients had elevated troponin level, and 30% of patients had complication during hospitalisation. 3. In patients treated with thrombolytics mortality rate was 45%. 4. Reperfusion strategy (trombolysis or embolectomy) in the high risk group was used in only 41% of patients. 5. Elevated troponin level in normotensive patient was associated with 4-fold times higher risk of death. 6. New risk stratification according to the ESC guidelines 2008 correctly predicts prognosis in everyday clinical practise.Wst臋p: Ostry zator t臋tnicy p艂ucnej (OZTP) jest stanem bezpo艣redniego zagro偶enia 偶ycia. Prezentowana praca ma charakter rejestru chorych z OZTP. Rejestr pozwala na przedstawienie rzeczywistej praktyki klinicznej. Cel: Analiza post臋powania diagnostyczno-leczniczego u chorych z rozpoznaniem zatoru t臋tnicy p艂ucnej na 5 oddzia艂ach kardiologii w Ma艂opolsce. Metody: Rejestrem obj臋to kolejnych pacjent贸w hospitalizowanych od 1 stycznia 2005 r. do 30 wrze艣nia 2007 r. na 5 oddzia艂ach kardiologicznych. Do badania w艂膮czono 205 chorych (124 kobiety, 81 m臋偶czyzn) w wieku 17–87 lat (艣redni wiek 65,1 ± 15,3 roku) z potwierdzonym OZTP. 艢redni czas trwania hospitalizacji wynosi艂 14,6 ± 8,7 dnia (1–52 dni). Wyniki: W czasie obserwacji szpitalnej zmar艂o 23 (11,2%) pacjent贸w. Pobyt powik艂any obserwowano 艂膮cznie u 57 (27,8%) chorych (zgon, wstrz膮s kardiogenny, zatrzymanie kr膮偶enia, konieczno艣膰 stosowania amin katecholowych lub sztucznej wentylacji). 艁膮cznie 53 chorych mia艂o wstrz膮s kardiogenny lub hipotoni臋. St臋偶enie troponiny oznaczono u 147 (71,7%) chorych, a jego podwy偶szenie stwierdzono u 50 (34%) chorych. W grupie os贸b z podwy偶szonym st臋偶eniem troponiny dosz艂o do 11 (22%) zgon贸w, a w grupie z prawid艂owym st臋偶eniem troponiny do 6 (6,2%) zgon贸w (p = 0,01). U chorych stabilnych hemodynamicznie r贸偶nica w 艣miertelno艣ci pomi臋dzy podgrup膮 os贸b z prawid艂owym i podwy偶szonym st臋偶eniem troponiny (2,5 vs 14,3%) by艂a istotna statystycznie (p = 0,02). Leczenie trombolityczne stosowano u 20 (9,8%) os贸b, w tym 18 chorych leczono streptokinaz膮 (STK), a 2 chorych tkankowym aktywatorem plazminogenu (tPA). W grupie leczonej trombolitycznie wyst膮pi艂o 9 zgon贸w – 艣miertelno艣膰 45%. Do grupy wysokiego ryzyka zgonu (high risk) zaliczono 53 (26,8%) chorych, w tej grupie stwierdzono 17 zgon贸w – 艣miertelno艣膰 32%. Do grupy niewysokiego ryzyka (non-high risk) zaliczono 152 (74,1%) chorych i w tej grupie stwierdzono 6 zgon贸w – 艣miertelno艣膰 3,9%. W grupie niewysokiego ryzyka wyr贸偶niono dodatkowo 3 podgrupy: 1. umiarkowanego-zwi臋kszonego ryzyka (IM2) – 3 zgony, 艣miertelno艣膰 8,1%; 2. umiarkowanego-mniejszego ryzyka (IM1) – 3 zgony, 艣miertelno艣膰 3,6%; 3. niskiego ryzyka – bez zgon贸w, 艣miertelno艣膰 0%. Wnioski: 1. 艢miertelno艣膰 w populacji chorych z OZTP wynios艂a w niniejszym rejestrze 11%. 2. U 30% chorych OZTP wyst膮pi艂 pod mask膮 ostrego zespo艂u wie艅cowego lub omdlenia, 34% chorych mia艂o podwy偶szone st臋偶enie troponiny, 30% mia艂o powik艂ania w trakcie hospitalizacji. 3. 艢miertelno艣膰 w grupie chorych leczonych trombolitycznie wynios艂a 45%. 4. Leczenie reperfuzyjne (trombolityczne lub chirurgiczne) w grupie wysokiego ryzyka wg aktualnych standard贸w otrzyma艂o tylko 41% chorych. 5. Podwy偶szone st臋偶enie troponiny u chorych z prawid艂owym ci艣nieniem t臋tniczym wi膮za艂o si臋 z 4-krotnie wi臋kszym ryzykiem zgonu 6. Nowa strategia stratyfikacji ryzyka chorych zagro偶onych zgonem w trakcie epizodu OZTP zaproponowana w wytycznych ESC 2008 znakomicie koreluje z codzienn膮 praktyk膮 kliniczn膮

    Jak cz臋sto zator t臋tnicy p艂ucnej mo偶e imitowa膰 ostry zesp贸艂 wie艅cowy?

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    Background:The clinical picture of acute pulmonary embolism (APE) is often uncharacteristic and may mimic acute coronary syndrome (ACS) or lung diseases, leading to misdiagnosis. In 50% of patients, APE is accompanied by chest pain and in 30–50% of the patients markers of myocardial injury are elevated. Aim: To perform a retrospective assessment of how often clinical manifestations and investigations (ECG findings and elevated markers of myocardial injury) in patients with APE may be suggestive of ACS. Methods: We included 292 consecutive patients (109 men and 183 women) from 17 to 89 years of age (mean age 65.4 ± 15.5 years) with APE diagnosed according the ESC guidelines. Results: Among the 292 patients included in the study 33 patients died during hospitalisation (mortality rate 11.3%) and 73 (25.0%) patients developed complications. A total of 75 (25.7%) patients were classified as high risk according to the ESC risk stratification, 163 (55.8%) as intermediate risk and 54 (18.5%) as low risk. Chest pain on and/or before admission was reported by 128 (43.8%) patients, including 73 (57.0%) patients with chest pain of coronary origin, 52 (40.6%) patients with chest pain of pleural origin and 3 patients with pain of undeterminable origin based on the available documentation. A total of 56 (19.2%) patients had a history of ischaemic heart disease and 5 (1.7%) had a history of myocardial infarction. A total of 8 (2.7%) patients were admitted with the initial diagnosis of ACS. The high-risk group consisted of 15 (20.6%) patients with a typical retrosternal chest pain and 60 (27.3%) patients without the typical anginal pain. Elevated troponin was observed in 103 (35.3%) patients. The ECG changes suggestive of myocardial ischaemia (inverted T waves, ST-segment depression or elevation) were observed in 208 (71.2%) patients. The following findings were significantly more common in high-risk versus non-high-risk patients: ST-segment depression in V4-V6 (42.6% vs 23.9%, p = 0.02), ST-segment elevation in V1 (46.7% vs 20.0%, p = 0.0002) and aVR (70.7% vs 40.1%, p = 0.0007). Conclusions: One third of patients with APE may present with all the manifestations (pain, elevated troponin and ECG changes) suggestive of ACS. The ECG changes suggestive of myocardial ischaemia are observed in 70% of the patients with ST-segment depression in V4–V6 and ST-segment elevation in V1 and aVR being significantly more common in high-risk vs non-high-risk patients. Kardiol Pol 2011; 69, 3: 235-240Wst臋p: Obraz kliniczny ostrego zatoru t臋tnicy p艂ucnej (OZTP) jest cz臋sto niecharakterystyczny i mo偶e wyst臋powa膰 pod mask膮 ostrego zespo艂u wie艅cowego (OZW) czy chor贸b p艂uc, co prowadzi do pomy艂ek diagnostycznych. U 50% chorych OZTP przebiega z b贸lem w klatce piersiowej, a u 30–50% os贸b obserwuje si臋 podwy偶szenie marker贸w uszkodzenia miokardium. Cel: Celem pracy by艂o retrospektywne okre艣lenie, jak cz臋sto objawy kliniczne i badania dodatkowe (elektrokardiogram i podwy偶szone st臋偶enie marker贸w martwicy mi臋艣nia sercowego) u chorych z OZTP mog膮 sugerowa膰 rozpoznanie OZW. Metody: Do badania w艂膮czono 292 kolejnych chorych (183 kobiety, 109 m臋偶czyzn) w wieku 17-89 lat (艣redni wiek 65,4 ± 15,5 roku) z rozpoznaniem OZTP. Wyniki: W grupie 292 chorych w trakcie hospitalizacji wyst膮pi艂y 33 zgony (艣miertelno艣膰 11,3%), a u 73 (25%) pacjent贸w zaobserwowano powik艂ania. Do grupy wysokiego ryzyka wg stratyfikacji ryzyka ESC zaliczono 75 (25,7%) chorych, do grupy umiarkowanego ryzyka - 163 (55,8%) os贸b, a do grupy niskiego ryzyka - 54 (18,5%) pacjent贸w. B贸l w klatce piersiowej przy przyj臋ciu i/lub przed przyj臋ciem do szpitala podawa艂o 128 (43,8%) chorych, w tym u 73 (57,0%) os贸b b贸l mia艂 charakter wie艅cowy, u 52 (40,6%) - op艂ucnowy, u 3 - nieokre艣lony na podstawie dost臋pnej dokumentacji. W ca艂ej badanej grupie 56 (19,2%) os贸b mia艂o wywiad choroby niedokrwiennej serca, a 5 (1,7%) chorych przeby艂o zawa艂 serca. Ze wst臋pnym rozpoznaniem OZW przyj臋to 8 (2,7%) chorych. Do grupy wysokiego ryzyka nale偶a艂o 15 (20,6%) os贸b z typowym b贸lem zamostkowym oraz 60 (27,3%) pacjent贸w bez typowego b贸lu wie艅cowego. U 103 (35,3%) chorych stwierdzono podwy偶szone st臋偶enie troponiny. Zmiany elektrokardiograficzne sugeruj膮ce niedokrwienie mi臋艣nia sercowego (ujemne za艂amki T, obni偶enie odcinka ST lub uniesienie odcinka ST) zaobserwowano u 208 (71,2%) chorych. W grupie pacjent贸w wysokiego ryzyka znamiennie cz臋艣ciej stwierdzano: obni偶enie odcinka ST w odprowadzeniach V4-V6 (42,6% v. 23,9%; p = 0,02), uniesienie odcinka ST w odprowadzeniu V1 (46,7% v. 20%; p = 0,0002) i aVR (70,7% v. 40,1%; p = 0,0007) w por贸wnaniu z chorymi z grupy niewysokiego ryzyka. Wnioski: U 1/3 chorych z OZTP mog膮 wyst臋powa膰 wszystkie objawy (b贸l, podwy偶szone st臋偶enie troponiny i zmiany elektrokardiograficzne) sugeruj膮ce rozpoznanie OZW. Zmiany elektrokardiograficzne sugeruj膮ce niedokrwienie mi臋艣nia sercowego wyst臋puj膮 u 70% pacjent贸w. W grupie os贸b wysokiego ryzyka znamiennie cz臋艣ciej obserwowano obni偶enie odcinka ST w odprowadzeniach V4-V6 oraz uniesienie odcinka ST w odprowadzeniach V1 i aVR. Kardiol Pol 2011; 69, 3: 235-24